SPC Flooring is considered to be the most popular flooring option available in the market currently. SPC floor cleaners are highly affordable, long lasting, need low maintenance and it's easy to clean. Be it any flooring type, it needs to be cleaned properly and regularly to make it look best and also it lasts long. In this blog, we will cover all the benefits along with essentials required for cleaning it properly.
How to maintain and clean SPC Floor Tiles
SPC flooring, being versatile and known for its decoration-cleaning and installation are the two main features appreciated by the users. Resistant and waterproof, faster cleaning saves time and reduces the duration to damage the flooring. SPC Planks are simple and easy to maintain a long service life. So here, we share a few SPC floor maintenance and cleaning tips:
Sweep regularly: It is required to clean SPC tiles on a regular basis. You can use a regular mop to clean the floor, or also use a tech savvy method to clean it with a vacuum cleaner. Sweeping the floor on a daily basis removes any dust and makes it shine brighter.
Mop Occasionally with pH Solution: Sweeping regularly is not just enough. It is advised to mop twice a week with a mild or pH solution to remove stains. It is not advised to risk multi-cleaner, detergents or bleaching agents available in the market to mop your floor. We recommend using the one advised by the manufacturer.
Do not mop more frequently using pH solutions as it weakens the adhesive and also makes the tiles shine a bit dull. You will come to know about this at the later stage.
Steam Cleaning not allowed: Steam cleaning is very convenient as it sanitizes and dries out quickly compared to a normal mop. But trust us, hot steam does more harm to the SPC floor than making it more shiner.
when you steam to sanitize the floor- steam vapors and reaches to more than 90* Celcius to kill germs and bacteria which may also damage the SPC plank, when such excess heat comes together- it actually weakens the adhesive bonds and layers of your plank. This was one of the reasons, it can also cause a serious damage to edges, it may result in bending, warping of the SPC flooring.
Stains and Spills on the SPC flooring: Even when you do a regular cleaning for the SPC Plank, there could be a time where food or maybe some liquid might get spilled on the SPC floor which may put up a stain. Well to avoid this, you will need to immediately clean up this stain as and when you see it with a clean soft cloth by applying a mild detergent or floor cleaner suggested by the manufacturer, gently rub the affected area and rinse it clean water and let it dry properly.
Take Preventive Measures: We recommend you to use doormats at the entry points as it minimizes the dirt and keeps a track on moisture on the SPC plank. Also, it is advisable to not expose it to sunlight as it could fade the SPC flooring. Use curtains to reduce the sunlight coming in.
Cleaning tips of SPC flooring
SPC flooring is versatile and known for decorative cleaning and installation. There are two main features that users appreciate: Durable and waterproof, quick cleaning saves you time and reduces the time it takes to damage your flooring. SPC boards are simple, easy to maintain, and have a long service life. That's why we offer some floor care and cleaning tips from SPC:
First Cleaning of SPC Floor
Once the installation is done for SPC Flooring, it is recommended to clean the entire space which has undergone flooring changes. Use a mild detergent along with lukewarm water and clean it with soft hands. Do not press it extremely hard so that it might damage the surface. Do not sweep the floor until it's completely dry to avoid any marks caused by dirt on the SPC floor. This is done to ensure that the mark doesn't last for a longer period of time.
SPC flooring is easy to clean and maintain, water-resistant core prevents warping and buckling in humid areas. With proper care, including regular vacuming and mopping, your SPC flooring will stay looking great for years to come. With the right materials and cleaning techniques, you can keep your SPC floor looking like new. So invest in this great flooring option today. Do not regret it!
Daily Cleaning of Stone Plastic Composite Floor
SPC Floor needs to be cleaned on a daily basis - it doesn't take much of your time but doing it regularly will make it last long and keep the shine brighter. For a regular basis-cleaning it with a mop will do so that it prevents dust that might go deep on the floor. SPC boards must be cleaned regularly. Sweeping your floors every day will remove all the dust and leave them sparkling clean.
SPC vinyl flooring is waterproof, but it still needs deep cleaning twice a week. The areas which occupy low traffic are not to be cleaned on a regular basis but the areas with high traffic tend to be cleaned more often but we need to ensure that we prevent water build ups that don't harm the flooring. Regular cleaning is not enough. To remove stains, we recommend mopping twice a week with a mild or pH-balanced solution. We do not recommend risking the use of commercial multi-cleaners, detergents, or bleach when mopping your floors. We recommend using products recommended by the manufacturer. Do not wipe frequently with pH solutions.
This will weaken the adhesion and make the tile a little less shiny. We'll find out more about this later.
Cleaning Products required for SPC Flooring
Vacuum Cleaner: To keep SPC flooring, it is required to keep the floor clean, vacuum cleaner can surely be helpful here. Vacuum will help you remove dust, dirt away so that the floor shines brighter.
Sweep & Mop: Once the floor is vacuum and all the dirt and dust is gathered, it is advisable to clean it with one more step by mopping it. Sweeping will surely take the larger pieces of dirt but mopping it will actually let the SPC plank shine.
Stain Removal: If something is spilled on SPC Floor, you should immediately clean it. Dont let it try, as longer the stain harder it will be to remove it. Floor cleaner can be used to clean such stains.
Protect your floor from furniture or any hard object: Use furniture pads or coasters if your home has any heavy objects that can damage SPC flooring. Avoid dragging the furniture while them to another place as it may scratch the SPC floor and make the plank lose its shine.
Floor Cleaner: We recommend not to use harsh chemicals or cleaners while cleaning SPC flooring. Instead use the one which is recommended by the manufacturer or any mild cleaner that is particularly used for SPC floors.
What things to avoid when cleaning SPC flooring?
SPC flooring is extremely long-lasting and can last up to 20 years if properly cared for. There are many issues surrounding SPC flooring's widespread use, including its long history, manufacturing methods, and its amazing properties. If you wish to extend the life of SPC flooring, below are things you need to avoid when cleaning SPC flooring:
Avoid Harsh Chemicals: Using multi-purpose cleaners, strong chemicals or any ammonia based cleaners can cause damage and discoloration to the SPC Floor.
Excess Moisture: SPC floor is water resistant but anything in over amount can cause harm for sure. We recommend not using an extreme wet mop while cleaning the SPC floor that can cause damage in the long run, instead use a damp mop so that you can clean it and water will not enter the SPC plank.
Acidic Cleaners: You will see a lot of videos where using vinegar or other acidic cleaners are suggested to clean SPC flooring. It is not advisable to use acidic cleaners to clean the floor as it causes damage to the protective layer of SPC and discoloration.
Avoid Steam Cleaning: It is not advisable to do steam cleaning on SPC flooring as the heat may cause damage to the floor along with adhesive holding the SPC planks. Cleaning with a soft cloth on a daily basis will do, no need to do steam cleaning at all.
Avoid Dragging Heavy Furniture: Avoid dragging heavy furniture from one place to another, this may impact scratches on the SPC floor and may also cause damage to the protective layer.
We recommend you to avoid the above shared practices that will help in maintaining the SPC flooring, further making it long-lasting and shine brighter for further upcoming years. It is advised to always refer to manufacturer guidelines for best care practices for SPC Flooring. If you value durability, longevity, and ease of installation, SPC flooring is a good choice. This SPC flooring recreates the look of natural materials without the added cost or maintenance. With a wide range of options available you can easily get the best solution for your home.