WPC is an ideal choice for the majority of people when it comes to flooring aesthetics or detailed functionality. The major benefit of WPC flooring is that it replicates wood though it is plastic suitable for both commercial and residential spaces, not just this it is also suitable for both indoor and outdoor environments making it more comfortable underfoot and also absorbs moisture. WPC flooring is a combination of wood mixed with PVC making it more durable and stable along with comfort. So in this blog lets understand the benefits and disadvantages of WPC flooring.
Advantages of WPC Flooring
WPC is considered to be an ideal choice when it comes to flooring, so let's deep dive into it and study the advantages of WPC flooring in detail.
Moisture Resistant: One of the major advantages for WPC flooring is that it absorbs moisture, the process is such that the plastic composite that is used in making it absorbs moisture and keeps the flooring water resistant.
Comfortable: The other major benefit for WPC flooring is that its comfortable underfoot, the wood pulp used makes the flooring comfortable and keeps the warmth within. This is actually softer when compared to other wood flooring tiles options available in the market.
Designs and Patterns: The other advantage of WPC flooring is that it has a huge variety to offer with respect to designs and patterns along with different styles, textures and colors that allows customers to choose from a variety of options available.
Easy to Install: WPC flooring is easy to install, this also comes with DIY kits where you need to use the appropriate tools and adhesives to fix this flooring tile. The installation methods to fix this flooring tile is similar to others available in the market such as click-lock flooring or glue down flooring method.
Non-Slippery: WPC flooring is non-slippery, it replicates exact wood and is resilient to plastic which makes it non slippery. Even though the floor is sprinkled with water, you can easily walk comfortably on this flooring tile and we assure you that you won’t slip or fall.
High Load Resistance: WPC flooring can carry high load on its flooring tile by not breaking the flooring tile and ensuring that the furniture or any other heavy object moves comfortably on it.
Durable and Stable: WPC flooring is highly durable and stable, this tile has the capacity of lasting it for a longer duration of time. Although it appears like wood, it is 100% recyclable and dermite free.
Disadvantages of WPC flooring
We went through the advantages of WPC flooring, every coin has two sides so why not for a flooring tile, so let’s now understand disadvantages of WPC flooring.
Costly: WPC is costly when it is compared to other flooring tile options. It is a replica for wood so it is going to be costly for sure. The raw materials used to make WPC flooring is quite costly compared to other flooring tiles.
Appearance: Since it is a replica of wood, the majority of people find it difficult to understand whether it is wood or WPC flooring tile. Ofcourse, they do understand but sometimes it creates confusion with grain and texture.
Absorbs Heat: WPC flooring absorbs heat more often compared to other flooring options available in the market when compared to longer duration it makes the product weak and fades when extreme heat is thrown on it.
Environment Impact: WPC flooring is 100% recyclable but there could be a possibility that if the manufacturer has used low quality plastic or a mix material of plastic then there are chances that it won't be recycled.
We went through the advantages and disadvantages of WPC flooring and we can assure you that WPC is not bad at all, every tile has its own benefits and limitations and we believe that the limitations when opted correctly can surely be converted into an advantage or benefit. WPC is long-lasting, durable and stable, not just this it is also slip- proof and water resistant. What else do a normal human being want when exploring the flooring section for residential or commercial spaces. If you have a specific set of project defined basis your requirements and trust us WPC is an ideal choice for your defined project.