Scratches, Dents? Are you worried about all this? Yes of course anyone would be. This is one of the major concerns for people these days, as you don't know how large that scratch can go up to if it's not fixed at the initial stage. So in this blog we are going to understand how to remove the scratch from SPC Flooring.
SPC flooring is more durable and stable but still scratch can happen anytime. But there are ways to remove the scratch and restore the beauty of the flooring tile.
Here are the ways to remove scratches:
Understand the Damage: The first step is to understand the damage that has occurred on the flooring tile. Determine whether the scratch is over the edge or extremely deep, this is to ensure so that we can plan the repair accordingly.
Be ready with necessary tools: Once you have identified the damage, the another step is to be ready with the necessary tools to repair the flooring such as soft cloth, baking soda, warm water, scratch repair kit and furniture pads if required.
Clean the Surface: Another step is to clean the surface area where the damage has occured. We recommend you mix baking soda with hot water to remove the dirt and debris from the surface. Once the area is clean with water, ensure that the area is completely dried off.
Mild Scratch: If the scratch is mild, the best thing to remove it is to take some warm water, mix it with mild detergent and just wipe it off with the cloth, the scratch will be removed.
Hard Scratch: If the scratch is hard after the basic cleaning, you will need to have a scratch repair kit to fix the scratch that has occurred.
Deep Scratch: If the scratch is so deep, then it is mandatory to call the professional person to repair this so as to avoid any further damage to it. Because if the deep scratch is not fixed initially, it is surely going to expand by damaging other sections of the flooring tile.
Preventing future Scratch: We recommend using rugs, carpets to be used on a regular basis to avoid scratch or any spill offs. If you have any heavy furniture in your home, furniture pads are mandatory to avoid any such scratch damage.
We will need to ensure that once we see the scratch no matter how big or small it is, that it needs to be fixed at the right time with a right approach in order to avoid any further damage to the flooring tile. We do take care of the flooring tile as and when required but if scratches happen, you'll need to take all the preventive measures required to fix it.